Vyaire LTV 1200 Ventilator
Vyaire LTV 1200 Portable CareFusion Ventilator Highlights (Newest Model, Currently Produced, New)
- Anytime EMS needs a reliable transport ventilator, that’s what the CareFusion LTV 1200 provides.
- Patented Turbine technology in the LTV 1200 transport ventilator eliminates the need for a high-pressure air source, allowing transport ventilation where and when you need it.
- Optimizable trial settings – by optimizing trial settings for each of your patients, you can ensure favorable levels of support throughout the weaning process.
- Oxygen resource management tool – The O2 Conserve feature of the LTV 1200 reduces oxygen consumption as necessary, extending the sometimes scarce resource of oxygen during transport or emergency situations. It may be turned off when oxygen resources return to full supply.
Vyaire LTV 1200 Ventilator Specifications
- Height: 3.25 In (8.4 cm)
- Width: 10.5 In (27 cm)
- Depth: 13.5 In (38 cm)
- Weight: 14.5 lbs (6.5 kg)
- Ventilator input 11–15 VDC
- AC adapter input 100–250 VAC
- 50–60 Hz
- High pressure O2 source 40–80 PSIG (2.8–5.5 bar)
- Low pressure O2 source < 80 LPM, < 10 PSIG
- Ventilation Modes: Control, Assist/Control, SIMV/CPAP and NPPV
- Breath Types: VC, PC, PS and spontaneous
- Breath Rate: 0–80 BPM
- Tidal Volume: 50–2,000 mL
- Inspiratory Time: 0.3–9.9 sec
- PC/PS/Spontaneous Flow: 160 LPM
- Pressure Control: 1–99 cmH2O
- Pressure Support: 1–60 cmH2O
- Sensitivity: Off, 1–9 LPM
- O2%: 21–100%
- O2 flush: 1–3 min
- Low pressure O2: On/Off
- PEEP/CPAP: 0–20 cmH2O
- Insp/Exp hold: 6 seconds maximum
- Manual breath: 1x current settings
Monitors and Controls
- Peak Inspiratory Pressure: 0–120 cmH2O
- Mean Airway Pressure: 0–99 cmH2O
- PEEP: 0–99 cmH2O
- Breath Rate: 0–250 BPM
- Airway Pressure Display: -10–108 cmH2O
- Exhaled Tidal Volume: 0–4,000 mL
- Exhaled Minute Volume: 0–99.9 L
- I:E Ratio: 99:1–1:99
- Calculated Peak Flow: 10–100 LPM
- AutoPEEP: 0–100 cmH2O
- Static Compliance: 1–999 mL/cmH2O
- Patient Effort: Green LED
Extended Features
- Ventilator presets (infant, pediatric and adult)
- Variable rise time
- Variable flow termination
- Variable time termination
- Pressure control flow termination
- Leak compensation
- O2 conserve
- O2 cylinder duration calculation
- O2 flush
- Apnea interval
Fixed Alarms
- Disconnect/Sense
- External power low and lost
- High and low O2 inlet pressure
- Internal battery low and empty
- Ventilator inoperative
LTV 1200 Vents in-stock, with recent preventative maintenance! All units come complete with LTV Unit, carrying case, hoses, circuits, and AC power adapter.
Previously Carefusion was known by Pulmonetics and Viasys, these products were also known as Pulmonetics LTV 1200 and Viasys LTV 1200.
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